Friday, 4 July 2014

5 Useful Tips for Revision

Moaning and groaning won’t help you in any way; you’re still going to have to sit that exam you’re dreading, and the only thing you can do is to be as prepared as you possibly can. Not only are exams unavoidable, they are also very important, so here’s a list of ways you can make it a little more bearable, and do the best you can.

1. Start as early as you can
The best thing you can do is start to study early. It’s ideal to start revising months before your first exam, so you can retain the information better, and over a longer period of time. It’s the best way to remember as many details as you can.

2. Stick revision notes around the house
If your exams are a few weeks away, you should really start studying now. Stick notes and formulas around your around your house. When you’re in the exam, you’ll go, ‘The quadratic formula… that was on the fridge,’, and you’ll remember it better. You’ll also constantly be reminded of equations, definitions or formulas you need to memorise.

3. Just do it!
Don’t waste time or put off doing your revision, because the sooner you start, the sooner you finish. Try making a revision timetable and stick to it. Don’t sit there waiting for the hour to pass, either, you actually have to do some studying. Do it at the table in your dining room or at a proper desk. Avoid trying to study in bed, or in front of the TV, as it will only lead to you getting distracted.

4. Get some practise
Do some past papers. Some are available online, or ask your teacher to print some off for you. A lot of exams are more about technique than actual knowledge, so familiarising yourself with the exam can be really useful. Make sure to time yourself, and to look over the mark scheme so you know what you strong and weak points are.

5. Take breaks

It’s really important that you don’t study for hours on end, or you’ll end up loosing motivation and eventually stop retaining information altogether. But breaks every half our, not every five minutes – you still have to get some studying done. While revision is essential if you want to do well in your exams, it’s vital you continue to do the things you enjoy. Take some breaks. Relax. You’ll do excellently.